hed in social; economic status and education background nowadays I might add。”(“好吧。既然你告訴了我一句美國名言,我也告訴你一句中國名言,確切地說應該是在婚姻上的一個規則,就是:新娘和新郎應該門當戶對,比如,社會地位、經濟地位,而今眼目下,我還得增加一個:教育背景。”)
羅伯特不屑一顧地說:“It’s absolutely absurd and silly! It’s a hierarchy; just like Indian caste system。 It’s a shame! ”(“這簡直荒唐透頂,愚不可及!就像印度的種姓制度。這是個恥辱!”)
。 最好的txt下載網
李雁南突然激動起來,連珠炮似地說:“Ok; Mr。 Robert; let me explain it to as best I can。 How well do you know her? How much have you known China’s countryside? There’re lots of country girls like her in big cities but they’re just transient occupants。 For them cities are merely places to do the inferior jobs city people refuse to do even if the money they earn is negligible pared to what the city people make。 They can rarely enjoy a meal like we’re doing now even if they work in the restaurant。 They pass by the theatre every day but rarely see a film with their friends because two tickets are probably as expensive as half of their salary。 They have to work hard jobs for their hospitalized parents or to put their younger sisters and brothers in school。 They’re anxiously waiting for their support in their remote and rural hometown!… Maybe she’s struggling for her dowry。 Staying in town or marrying a Beijing citizen is no more than a daydream for them; to say nothing of marrying a foreigner like you。 She has no time; no energy and no money to unlock your enigma even if she has interest in you。”(“好吧,羅伯特先生,讓我盡我所能給你解釋這一切吧!你對她瞭解多少?你對中國農村瞭解多少?在城市中有無數個像她一樣來自農村的女孩,但她們只是匆匆的城市過客。城市對於她們而言只是從事那些被城市人厭棄的工作的地方,儘管她們所掙的錢對於城裡人而言微不足道;儘管她們在酒樓工作,她們不可能享受一頓像我們今天這樣的晚餐;儘管她們天天路過電影院,她們不可能和她們的朋友去享受一場電影,因為兩張票就有可能花掉她們的半月薪水。為了在病床上的父母,為了失學的弟妹,她們不得不在這個城市裡從事著繁重的工作。她們遠在窮鄉僻壤的親人,正在眼巴巴地等待著她們的匯款……也許她們正在為自己的嫁妝而奮鬥。留在城市或者嫁一個北京人對於她們而言簡直就是白日夢,更何況你這樣的外國人。即使她對你有興趣,她也沒時間,沒