salty; which reduces water and air absorption。 過度灌溉和排水不暢使土地表層鹽化,這導致土壤對水分和空氣的吸收有所減少。
electrical[i'lektrikl]a。 電的,與電有關的
例句 1。 Lightning is a brilliant flash of light created by an electrical discharge from storm clouds。 閃電是暴風雲放電產生的一道明亮的閃光。
2。 Changes in the electrical pattern of the brain show that the stimulus is getting through to the central nervous system and evoking some form of response。 大腦電波模式的改變顯示刺激已透過中樞神經系統,並引發了一些形式的反應。
escape[i'skeip]n。/v。 逃脫;滲出;躲避
例句 1。 The theater can be seen as one tool for people to define and understand their world or escape from unpleasant realities。 戲劇可以看作人們定義和理解他們世界的工具,也是逃避不�