puts far from it the knowledge of God; can well estimate
how much furtherance thereby accrues to its own wayward and vain strivings。 I have been
unwilling to leave out of sight the connection between our thesis … that Reason governs and has
governed the World — and the question of the possibility of a Knowledge of God; chiefly that I
might not lose the opportunity of mentioning the imputation against Philosophy of being shy of
noticing religious truths; or of having occasion to be so in which is insinuated the suspicion that it
has anything but a clear conscience in the presence of these truths。 So far from this being the case;
the fact is; that in recent times Philosophy has been obliged to defend the domain of religion
against the attacks of several theological systems。 In the Christian religion God has revealed
Himself; — that is; he has given us to understand what He is; so that He is no longer a concealed
or secret existence。 And this possibility of knowing Him; thus afforded us; renders such
knowledge a duty。 God wishes no narrow…hearted souls or empty heads for his children; but those
whose spirit is of itself indeed; poor; but rich in the knowledge of Him; and who regard this
knowledge of God as the only valuable possession。 That development of the thinking spirit; which
has resulted from the revelation of the Divine Being as its original basis; must ultimately advance to
the intellectual prehension of what was presented in the first instance; to feeling and
imagination。 The time must eventually e for understanding that rich product of active Reason;
which the History of the World offers to us。 It was for a while the fashion to profess admiratio