re more and more attractive。 ”
“Ray;you are still so sweet。e in 。”
蕭睿上前打了聲招呼:“Hi ;boss。”
“Ray;e here and sit down。”
“Ray;do you have something to tell me”
“Are you sure”
“What about your girlfriend?”
蕭睿眼珠子都快瞪出來了,“ girlfriend?”哪兒冒出來的?誰的?我的嗎?我怎麼不知道?
“boss; it must be something wrong。I even do not know when I have had a girlfriend。”
“Really ”
“But Jasica tell me that you have had a lover。”
“She must be mistaken。”
“OhThen why do you work so hard ?I thought you had been in a relationship now 。As
your boss;in the past years;I had not seen a girl in your life。Maybe this time you found your true love。I were really very happy for you。Now I do not understand。”
“Boss;thank you 。I always take you as my father。 I know you care about my happiness。I promise one day I will take my true love to see you 。I indeed have met someone ;but it is plex。You are right it indeed has something to do with the person about my urgentment。”
“Can I know the name of the lucky girl”
“Of course。But I am afraid it will disappoint you。”
“How it can ”
“Because it is him ;not her。”
誰知Wilson先生倚身過來拍了拍蕭睿的肩膀,笑了笑說:“Remember you have promised to bring him to me 。I will wait that day。”
“Ray;about that thing ;what do you think now Conditions still;if you ccme back 。”
蕭睿皺眉糾結著:“Boss,to tell the truth ;I ’d like to work