preads afar; until the northern sea
Leviathans are amazed and lose their course。
And denser yet it touches on the sky。
And spreads a heavy mantle over the earth。
Then; wide as is the high pitched arch of heaven;
Therein appears no single rift of blue。
Now mighty whales lead up their spouses to sport
Upon the waves; the sinuous dragons dive
Deep down and; breathing; swell the heaving sea;
The earth is moist as with the early rains;
And spring's creative energy is chilled。
Both far and wide and high the damp fog spreads;
Great cities on the eastern bank are hid;
Wide ports and mountains in the south are lost;
Whole fleets of battle ships; a thousand keels;
Hide in the misty depths; frail fishing boats
High riding on a wave are seen………and lost。
The gloom increases and the domed sky
Grows dark and darker as the sun's light fails。
The daylight dies; dim twilight's reign begins;
The ruddy hills dissolve and lose their hue。
The skill of matchless King Yu would fail to sound
The depth and height; and Li Lou's eye; though keen;
Could never pierce this gloom。
Now is the time; O sea and river gods; to use your powers。
The gliding fish and creeping water folk
Are lost; there is no track for bird or beast。
Fair Penglai Isles are hidden from our sight;
The lofty gates of heaven have disappeared。
Nature is blurred and indistinct; as when
A driving rain storm hurries over the earth。
And then; perhaps; within the heavy haze;
A noisome serpent vents his venom foul
And plagues descend; or impish demons work
Their wicked wills。
Ills fall on humans b