d the old wolf in time to watch a fierce green fire dying in her eyes�I realized then,and have known ever since,that there was something new to me in those eyes�something known only to her and to the mountain�I was young then,and full of trigger�itch;I thought that because fewer wolves meant more deer,that no wolves would mean hunters paradise�But after seeing the green fire die,I sensed that neither the wolf nor the mountain agreed with such a view�不具備菩薩心腸,是不會仔細傾聽那熄滅中的綠色火焰的。我想到中國古代的一些說法,比如張載的“物吾與也”之類。但是,僅僅有慈悲心,也還遠遠不能讀懂那綠色火焰所訴說的原則。這是自然保育問題在中國所面臨的全新困境,這裡不多談了。