第20部分(4 / 5)



Rachel先起,“Lyin' here with you so close to me。 It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe(一起躺在著,你離我如此之近。無法抗拒的感覺讓我無法呼吸)”那天晚上她看著睡著的Quinn,那樣angelic的容顏,Quinn帶給她的感受是從未曾有過的,她有過幾個男朋友,也是發自內心地喜歡過他們,但是Quinn… takes her breath away(Quinn會奪走她的呼吸)。她側過身子,半對著滿是柔和笑容的Quinn,兩人的手從剛開始就未曾分開,“Caught up in this moment,caught up in your smile。(沉浸在這個時刻,跌陷在你的笑容裡)”

Quinn接上,“I've never opened up to anyone; So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms。(我未曾向他人敞開心扉,當擁你在懷,我卻難以控制自己)”她想起曾經無數次,甚至在明白自己心意之前,只要跟在Rachel面前,她的理智就會少了一半,做些莫名其妙的事。那些理所當然的擁抱卻有著不同尋常的滿足,她居然花了那麼長時間才明白過來,人的自我欺騙有時候確實很驚人。


【We don't need to rush this。 Let's just take this slow

just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight

just a touch in the fire burning so bright

and i don't want to mess this thing up

i don't want to push too far

just a shot in the dark that you just might

be the one i've been waiting for my whole life

so baby i'm alright' with just a kiss goodnight

i know that if we give this a little time

it will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find

it's never felt so real' no it's never felt so right

just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight

just a touch in the fire burning so bright

and i don't want to mess this thing up

i don't want to push too far

just a shot in the dark that you just might

be the one i've been waiting for my whole life

so baby i'm alright' with just a kiss goodnight】

兩人不約而同想起寒假那些天。 Rachel只在頭幾天去過Quinn家兩次,想讓Judy習慣她們的新關係,當然,她們在Judy面前很注意自己的舉止,不似在Rachel家那般不自覺地碰觸對方。雖然Judy預設了Quinn的性向,可是知道真相之後,對待Rachel總是不那麼自然,而最後一次在Quinn家不小心透過

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