I have been amilia wih in m eal das。O ouse,a ha ime,he ouhulplum ees mus also have gown ino hei pleasan old age,sehing hei poweulams o shade he ossing pahs。he weahe won old be owe,sanding in hegolden sunligh,
ha give ou ha slow,solemn blooming ha is SO amilia o meas,as he gils,sho and a,pale and os,plump and slim,a blooming wihhe eshness o ouh,sha pou ino he huh like a seam。hee he wi kneeland pa,whispeing o hei spiiual Lod abou he lile hings in hei lives:hei
gies,hei eas,hei quaels,hei love,and hei gea ambiions。he sha askHim o help hem in eahing hei uue goals。o be a wie,a musiian,aeduaionalis。o and ideal wie。And I an hea he old huh owe,inging wihhe ehoes o hei paes,whispe in eun,es,S。Mas Ha ma no have helages domioies and he beslooking shool gadens among a he shools inhina。bu she eainl possesses he ines and he mos had woking gils,whosha gloi he wih hei biian uues!:
Whal I eel when I hea hese wods depends upon whehe I have done anhingo no in he eas in beween。I I have ailed in plaing m pa on his sage,I shaeel ashamed and egeul ha I have hown awa he pivilege o gloiing mmohe sh001。Bu i I have gained suess in suggling along owad m goal,1 wismile訊h pide and onen,o I have aken a pa,hough a ve sma pa,inaving ou,wih he knie o ime,his wondeul model o shool lie。