forwarded to him one of those extremely amusing (and enlightening) Psych 101 experiment stories that makes its own important point。 As this was forwarded to him, neither he nor I could verify the exact study; but even if it never occurred (and I like to think it did); there is spiritual truth here; dear Fools … and I regard spiritual truth as a deeper thing; in its own way, than scientific truth。
12 《新週刊》2007年第16期總第257期。
13 其實心理學家們早就開始研究這個領域了。有必要認識一下這個人:馬丁 塞利格曼……Positive Psychology的鼻祖。最近哈佛大學裡竄紅的那個”快樂學“教授,就可以算作是塞利格曼的傳人。
14 http://en。wikipedia/wiki/Case_study
15 事實上,這句話是斷章取義,原話應該是:天才就是99%的汗水再加1%的靈感,但這1%的靈感遠遠比99%的汗水重要。甚至有人懷疑,愛迪生到底有沒有說過這句話……
16 奈特就是那個早在 1923年就指出所謂“市場有效性”是個無用的、臆造的概念的那個經濟學家。“… ownership of personal or material productive capacity is based upon a plex mixture of inheritance, luck and effort, probably in that order of relative importance” (Knight, 1923)。
17 關於這個調查的出處,我已經找不到了。有趣的是,在整理這本書稿的時候,正好看到剛剛發行的電影《美國黑幫》(American Gangster),其中羅素·克勞扮演的“Richie”在對白中就提到這件事。
18 Cherry, E。 C。 (1953) Some experiments on the recognition of speech, with one and with two ears。 Journal of Acoustical Society of America 25(5), 975…979。
19 http://dv。ouou。/play/v_38d7f4baf30ff。html
20 他還寫過另外一本有趣�